Q: Whom do I contact to find out if certification is offered where I live?
A: WPI Certification is available to you no matter where you live – visit the WPI Certification program webpage to learn more about or apply for certification. WPI also provides contact information for other certification contacts page programs. You can search for information by state, province, or country.
Q: How do I apply for WPI Certification?
A: Find more information on the Certification through WPI Certification applications. Simply complete the application and mail it to WPI along with the required supporting documentation and payment.
Q: What do I need to submit with the application?
A: Application documentation* requirements vary based on certification type and class, and are specified on each application. All requested information must be submitted or your processing will be delayed and your application may be denied. Required documents outlined on your application may include, but are not limited to:
- A copy of your high school diploma (or transcript indicating graduation date), GED, or equivalent.
- Documentation, such as a letter from your supervisor, describing, in detail, your job duties, job title, and dates of employment and years in DRC, if applicable.
- Transcripts or other official documentation of all post-secondary education.
- A copy of your current certification and test score, if applicable.
- Completed Plant Point Rating sheet.
- Nonrefundable application fee.
* Any documents not written in English must be submitted as a certified translation. All international credentials must be evaluated against American standards by an AICE or NACES member organization.
Q: How long will it take for a review of my submitted application?
A: Typical processing time for a complete application is 30 days. You will be contacted by email or phone if your application is missing any components or if more information is needed. After 30 days, you may follow up on the status of your application by emailing certification@gowpi.org or calling our office at (515) 232-3623.
Q: How will I be contacted to schedule an examination?
A: Once your application is approved, your information will be sent to our computer-based testing partner, Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc. (PSI). They will contact you by email provided during registration with directions on scheduling your exam.
Q: Where will I take my exam?
A: WPI’s Computer-Based Testing partner, PSI, offers approximately 200 Assessment centers throughout the United States and in various locations worldwide. You may select the location of your choosing when scheduling your exam. PSI will provide you with specific assessment center address information and instructions when you schedule your examination appointment.
Q: When do I have to take my exam?
A: You must take your exam within six months of application approval. Examination appointments through PSI are typically available Monday-Friday and on many Saturdays. Currently, available dates and time slots will be indicated when scheduling your examination with PSI. Candidates are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Q: What is the format of WPI examination questions?
A:WPI uses multiple-choice questions. Questions have four options (one correct answer and three distractors).
Q: How long will the exam last?
A: There is a three-hour time limit for the exam.
Q: How should I prepare for the exam?
A: WPI recommends that you review the Need-to-Know Criteria for your exam to identify those areas for which you may need additional preparation. A list of reference materials for each exam is included in each Need-to-Know Criteria and in the Examination Resources section of our website. You may also wish to familiarize yourself with the Formula/Conversional Table that will be provided for your use during the exam.
Q: What should I expect at the testing center when I take a computerized exam?
A: A demonstration of the computerized exam process is available on WPI’s website.
Q: I would like to check on the status of my score. Can I contact WPI?
A: You will receive your score at the conclusion of your computer-based exam. Candidates who pass the exam will receive a formal certificate from WPI within a month of their exams. An exam retake application will be sent to you if you did not pass the exam. There is no need to contact WPI regarding your score unless you need to request a duplicate score report.
For examinations administered for program-specific certification such as those granted by states and provinces, WPI cannot release scores directly to candidates; you must work with your certifying authority regarding the release of the scores. Please check the Certification Contacts portion of the website for the appropriate program contact information.
Q: I did not pass the exam. How can I better prepare?
A: Review your score report, which includes a diagnostic report that shows your strengths and weaknesses in exam areas.
Q: Does WPI recommend a process for candidates to challenge an examination question?
A: Candidates may provide comments regarding any question(s) they believe contain errors. Examinees taking a paper-based exam should submit comments on the Question Comment Form; those taking a computerized exam should submit comments electronically during the exam. The WPI Certification Program does not reissue scores based on question updates, but our subject matter experts use these comments to improve future examinations.
Q: What courses should I take for my continuing education? Will you approve a course before I take it?
A: At this time, we do not pre-approve coursework for certification applicants. Approval of coursework is completed after an application is submitted and is guided by the list of WPI-approved topics available on our Recertification page.
Q: I am certified in another state. Do I qualify for WPI certification by reciprocity?
A: Please consult our Certification by Reciprocity page.