Water Professionals International has been serving its membership for over 50 years. WPI is your program’s connection to the certification world, voice for international certification issues, and resource to build lifelong, professional relationships.
Our members are the center of WPI’s commitment to the water industry.
We invite you to join this partnership between certifiers, industry organizations, and trainers who work each day to advance water quality and integrity and promote certification to protect public health and the environment.
Associate Membership is a great fit for…
- Professional associations, educational institutions, trainers, and consultants that provide education, training, contract operations, and/or technical assistance in the water industry.
- Utilities that operate a water treatment facility, water distribution system, water laboratory, wastewater treatment facility, wastewater collection system, or wastewater laboratory.
- Other organizations with a stake in the water industry.
Membership Benefits
Associate Members are part of the At-Large Division with full nominating and voting rights. Individuals representing Associate Members are empowered to run for the At-Large Division Director position on the WPI Board of Directors.
Online Certification Program Database
Use this WPI website resource to compare more than 130 programs around the globe by state/province, certification category, or reciprocity.
Connect with our membership of professionals from almost 50 states, 10 Canadian provinces and territories, and several international and tribal programs.
Annual Conference
Associate Membership includes discounts to WPI’s Annual Conference, ‘Innovation in Certification.’ IiC is your opportunity to network with fellow industry professionals from across the globe.
The Directory
Your organization’s membership includes representation in The Directory, our members-only guide of certification contacts.
The Certifier
The Certifier is WPI’s source for industry news. We provide educational & inspiring stories about professional operators, water industry experts, volunteerism, and other water and wastewater treatment-related topics. The Certifier provides up-to-date information and news about the water industry and how our members and operators are making a difference every day.
Applying for Membership
Associate Membership is not required for certification by WPI and does not confer any type of credential. Dues are $250 USD per year. Applications must be approved by WPI’s Chief Executive Officer and Membership Committee Chair. To have your application considered for membership:
- Complete the Associate Membership application form.
- Submit an electronic or paper copy of the application to the WPI office along with dues payment in US dollars.
To learn more about Associate Membership, contact WPI at wpi@gowpi.org.