WPI is your program’s connection to the certification world, voice for international certification issues, and resource to build lifelong, professional relationships. Our membership makes up a diverse group of programs that fall under three categories:
Governmental agencies, or their designees, that have jurisdiction to administer environmental certification or licensing programs and meet the criteria established by the Association are granted Regulatory Membership. Regulatory program class membership holds the right to nominate, vote, and hold office.
Organizations without governmental jurisdiction to administer environmental certification or licensing programs are granted Voluntary Membership with approval from the Association. Eligibility is limited to voluntary environmental certification and licensing programs that:
- Administer a certification and/or certification exams.
- Qualify as WPI/ABC Testing Service client.
Voluntary program class membership can nominate for any position, hold the office of At-Large Division Director, and vote for Officers and At-Large Division Director.
At WPI, we work not only to support existing certification programs but also provide resources for programs needing assistance implementing a certification program through provisional membership. While provisional members cannot vote, nominate, hold office, or have representation on the Board of Directors, they are able to access the wealth of resources found at WPI to make the most of their membership. When these members develop their programs to meet our complete membership criteria and are approved by the Board
of Directors, Regulatory or Voluntary Member status may be granted. Provisional membership annual dues are $300 USD.
Membership Benefits
ABC Testing Services by WPI
Nationally validated exams to support environmental certification programs are part of our Testing Service. Committees offer technical support to WPI and its members by carrying out our extensive validation process and serving as an appeals board for challenged questions.
The Certifier
The Certifier is WPI’s source for industry news. We provide educational & inspiring stories about professional operators, water industry experts, volunteerism, and other water and wastewater treatment related topics. The Certifier provides up-to-date information and news about the water industry and how our members and operators are making a difference every day.
Online Certification Program Database
This resource is at your fingertips in the member’s area at www.gowpi.org. Compare more than 130 programs around the globe by state/province/territory, and certification category. If you’re a certification contact, you’ll be provided with a password to update your program’s information.
Connect with our membership which includes almost 50 states, 10 Canadian provinces and territories, and several international and tribal programs.
Annual Conference
Program membership includes discounts to WPI’s Annual Conference, ‘Innovation in Certification.’ IiC is your opportunity to network with fellow industry professionals from across the globe.
Applying for certification program membership
To have your application for certification program membership considered by the WPI Board of Directors:
- Complete the application form.
- Submit the application form to the WPI office along with documentation supporting your certification program’s status, jurisdiction, and structure of the program.
Dues Schedule
Annual membership dues for Regulatory and Voluntary membership are calculated according to the number of persons certified. Each person certified should be counted only once, regardless of the number of certificates held.