Linking to the Water Professionals International website
As a resource for environmental certification information, WPI encourages members and related organizations to link to our site. Links must not suggest WPI endorsement or sponsorship of information, services, or products. It should be made clear that any link to WPI is an outside link and that all pages, information, and resources belong to WPI. We reserve the right to request link removal without explanation should the Communications Committee observe inappropriate use of a link to WPI’s site. WPI may revise, without notice, this linking policy.
Linking to Third Party Websites
WPI includes links to certification program websites in the OpCert Program Contacts section of our website. WPI strives to maintain accurate contact information, but changes can be frequent and we cannot guarantee the availability of any listed website.
Requests for Link Inclusion
WPI’s website “Links” section includes industry-related websites for your reference. WPI does not endorse services or products on linked sites, and is not responsible for the content, views expressed, or sponsorships of third-party sites.
Organizations may request in writing for WPI to include their website in our “Links” section. Requests will be considered and approved by the Communications Committee based on the following criteria:
- A website represents an organization in one of the following industries: water, wastewater, certification, or environmental protection.
- The site is owned by a not-for-profit, government, or other non-commercial organization. Generally, WPI will not link to individual utilities’ websites, unless specific pages contain information pertinent to WPI members.
WPI will consider linkages to for-profit, commercial sites that also offer resource information valuable to
those in the certification profession. WPI reserves the right to refuse including a site that does not meet the criteria listed above. Inquiries on WPI’s web linking policy should be directed to