Join the experts in water operator certification at WPI’s annual Innovation in Certification (IiC) conference – a hub for regulators, certifying authorities, operators, trainers, and industry-related technology providers. The conference kicks off with an engaging Train the Trainer forum featuring renowned trainers from the industry, who share their best practices and tips for increasing learner engagement and retention. The annual conference focuses on conquering the critical goals of certification and overcoming unexpected obstacles. Get inspired by keynote speakers and special presenters, who add depth to the technical program by going beyond the nuts and bolts of certification. Recent topics include DEI, mental health, reciprocity, cybersecurity, and the future of water, providing attendees the opportunity to look at themselves, their lives, and their professions from a new perspective. Join WPI at IiC to create new partnerships, build industry relationships, and stay updated with the latest trends and insights in the world of water.